Yoroshiku Fansubs

A long time ago, in an incarnation of Yoroshiku now far, far away, the team decided to finish the 2006 comedy series Love GetCHU. C1 Anime gave its blessing (and its raws and old scripts), and our faithful translator, laalg, turned out a couple of new scripts. But then real life forced laalg to retire, the group disbanded again, and the whole idea languished.

Last year, Oyatsu began releasing, starting with episode 16. They got all the way through episode 24, and then their translator disappeared. This left the project literally in pieces: episodes 1-13 from C1, and 16-24 from Oyatsu. So earlier this year, I decided to revive the project and finish Love GetCHU. I whined and pleaded with various colleagues for help; in particular, kokujin-kun (of Doutei) graciously translated the last episode. So after a long hiatus, Yoroshiku Fansubs is proud to present the remaining episodes of Love GetCHU.

Downloads: Stupid WordPress won’t allow our links to display, so get the episodes from the bot in #yoroshiku@irc.rizon.net, or look for them on TokyoTosho! Baka!

Staff credits:

  • Translation: laalg (14, 15); kokujin-kun (25)
  • Timing: le (14, 15, karas); Juggen (25)
  • Editing and typesetting: Collectr
  • QC: Saji, snip

I don’t think this is necessarily the last word on Love GetCHU. The ED kara is from C1 and doesn’t reflect official lyrics; the OP is a bit suspect, too. Oyatsu would like to rework 13-25 into a stylistically coherent whole (a good idea). However, that will take a while, and in the meantime, long-suffering fans can finally watch the series from start to finish.

This was also translated a long time ago, in the Yoroshiku I era. During the brief life of Yoroshiku II, Fearless Leader captured TV Asahi’s rebroadcast of the Oishinbo movies, before he departed for places or spaces unknown. So, Yoroshiku Left Behind was able to finish the script and encode the transport stream, resulting in Oishinbo: Japan-America Rice Wars. This replaces the previous encode, which was a bit oversharpened and overbrightened. This one is also at a higher bit rate, and a few more QC issues have been found and fixed.

When we first did this movie, I wrote a longish postscript to warn people about the (boring and irrelevant) content. I’ll repost it here:

This anime dates from 1993, when American paranoia about, and Japanese confidence in, Japan’s technological and economic might was at its height (see, for example, Michael Crichton’s 1992 scare novel, “Rising Sun”). Shortly thereafter, the U.S. began the longest sustained technological and economic boom in its history, fueled by innovations in the Internet, biotechnology, and other fields, while Japan entered a fifteen year period of economic stagnation, rendering most of the arguments in this anime moot.

Japan maintained an effective ban on imported rice until 1995. At that time, Japan agreed to import a minimal amount at market prices, and imposed 490% tariffs on any imports in excess. Even though the tariffs impacted
the competitiveness of imported rice substantially, by 1998 Japan accounted for about half of California’s rice exports, or 20% of the state’s total rice crop.

Since then, Japan has gradually reduced tariffs, while substantially increasing subsidies to farmers in order to protect domestic farming from world-wide competition. The issue of food safety remains open, but organic farming has been steadily growing in both countries.


Download: Oishinbo: Japan-America Rice Wars v2

Update April, 2012: a colleague in GotWoot finally explained to me why the credits seem to flash on and off. I’ve updated the script to make a “v3” but it’s not worth releasing a new version. So here’s a patch that updates the script accordingly. There are no other changes.

This was actually translated a long time ago, in the Yoroshiku I era. During the brief life of Yoroshiku II, Fearless Leader captured TV Asahi’s rebroadcast of the Oishinbo movies, before he departed for places or spaces unknown. So,  Yoroshiku Left Behind was able to finish the script and encode the transport stream, resulting in Oishinbo: Ultimate vs Supreme.

Download: Oishinbo: Ultimate vs Supreme

We are looking to recruit an experienced QC with a working knowledge of the Japanese language. By this we mean somebody who may have done some self-study and understands the make up of sentences and can pick out when something doesn’t seem quite right in a script.

If you fit the bill and are interested, please do drop us a line. Email [yoroshikufansubs (at) yahoo (dot) com] is by far the best method at the moment (this role is to replace me on Happy Happy Clover, Love Get Chu and Oishinbo movies as my time commitments elsewhere have increased massively). The person specification for this role is detailed below.

Quality Controllers

  • You will need previous fansubbing experience for this role
  • You must have a keen eye for detail
  • You must be fluent in English (does not need to be native speaker)
  • You will have a working conceptual knowledge of the Japanese language (structure including particles and verb conjugation)


It’s been a little while since our last release but we will get there!

Episode Credits

Translation: izam
Translation Consultancy: laalg
Timing: dj_tjerk
Typesetting: Collectr
Editing: Collectr
QC: Oracle, Saji, Grv
Encoding: Daemon404



This is a plea to all cappers in Japan – Please cap the Oishinbo movies when they re-air!

They are scheduled to air on TV Asahi as follows:

美味しんぼ 特別編「究極対至高 長寿料理対決」 01/29(土) よる09:45-よる11:20
美味しんぼ 特別編「日米コメ戦争」 01/30(日) よる10:00-よる11:30

We are looking for anyone with access to TV Asahi to provide us with a cap of these 2 movies (.ts ideally but anything is better than what we have at the moment).

Spread the word as we really want to release these 2 movies!